The Core, Swindon-Juice Bar Review

Today I had attended a juice and raw food masterclass at The Core in Swindon, UK. I’m not going to lie, before I had attended this, I was very…VERY skeptical of the whole “juicing” trend. The reason for this is solely because

Clean Eating’s Dirty Secrets Criticism

It’s unbelievable how much a simple documentary can distort so many views on lifestyle choices, as well as inappropriately define a disorder to the point where it looks like people are just “Crying Wolf”. The recent BBC Documentary “Clean Eating’s Dirty Secrets” does an amazing job at picking out the unscientific/harmful diet trends/fads, as well…

Creatine Supplementation

Creatine I have had a few friends ask me recently about supplementation, and what I know is beneficial. Creatine, I believe, is one of the best supplements you can take (although I haven’t taken it for a while, solely due to the fact that I just haven’t gotten around to ordering some). Here’s why I…

Beet Root Juice

Beet root Juice: Suggested ~500mL a few hours before race After recently indulging myself in the odd-tasting (but still, somehow good) Beet Root Juice Shots at a Triathlon Show that I had attended, I felt the need to do some research for myself to see whether or not the hype is real. I thought to…


We are constantly learning to “eat our fruits and vegetables” and that “fast food is bad for us”, but what a lot of us don’t know is that we do need some unhealthy foods in our life. In fact, it may be more unhealthy to become hung up on ensuring our diets are as clean…